Geocoding - Validity check.
(too old to reply)
2009-01-06 10:06:01 UTC

I'm working with the MapPoint Web Service to do Geocoding & Reverse
Geocoding of address in Belgium.
I have a problem with the result provided by the geocode method.
I'm trying to geocode the following address (my home address):
"8 rue des mesanges dinant belgique"
The method returns me:
Lat: 50.2597147811071
Lon: 4.90007418698917
When I position these coordinates with Live Search Maps, the pushpin is on
the opposite side of the street !!
And when I reverse geocode the same coodinates, the method returns:
"9 rue des mesanges dinant belgique"
And that's exactly the address of my neighbor exactly on the other side of
the street !!

Any idea about why the address is located on the wrong side of the street ??

2009-01-06 14:36:07 UTC
I have seen something very similiar to this happen in the US, when the street
is a cul-de-sac. The street numbers go up one side then continue up on the
other side of the street coming back from the turn.
Post by Luba
I'm working with the MapPoint Web Service to do Geocoding & Reverse
Geocoding of address in Belgium.
I have a problem with the result provided by the geocode method.
"8 rue des mesanges dinant belgique"
Lat: 50.2597147811071
Lon: 4.90007418698917
When I position these coordinates with Live Search Maps, the pushpin is on
the opposite side of the street !!
"9 rue des mesanges dinant belgique"
And that's exactly the address of my neighbor exactly on the other side of
the street !!
Any idea about why the address is located on the wrong side of the street ??
Derek Chan
2009-01-13 19:48:08 UTC
I believe that the geocoder used on maps.live.com is not the same as MWS
although it would help if you could provide what MWS method and the
specification object properties that you passed to the call.

As a side note, I also tried reverse geocoding the co-ordinates
lat 50.2597147811071
lon 4.90007418698917
datasource Mappoint.EU

and got oddly
Street "Rue de Sologne 16"
City "Dinant"
State "Wallonie"

Infusion Development
Post by jb
I have seen something very similiar to this happen in the US, when the street
is a cul-de-sac. The street numbers go up one side then continue up on the
other side of the street coming back from the turn.
Post by Luba
I'm working with the MapPoint Web Service to do Geocoding & Reverse
Geocoding of address in Belgium.
I have a problem with the result provided by the geocode method.
"8 rue des mesanges dinant belgique"
Lat: 50.2597147811071
Lon: 4.90007418698917
When I position these coordinates with Live Search Maps, the pushpin is on
the opposite side of the street !!
"9 rue des mesanges dinant belgique"
And that's exactly the address of my neighbor exactly on the other side of
the street !!
Any idea about why the address is located on the wrong side of the street ??