Transaction Usage Report Data is being processed.. Ummm what gives
(too old to reply)
2008-10-23 20:14:02 UTC
I've been receiving this message since 8:00 AM this morning and it is now
2:00 PM..
"Report data is being processed. Try generating your report again later."

I'm all for simple jobs running when they need to but is it customary to run
a day long job that takes 'production' reports off line during customary
business hours? Can't this kind of stuff run in the middle of the night.
Anyone else having this issue? I'm getting hammered by my CEO for some usage
reports here as we do an annual license evaluation and I'm coming up empty.
Derek Chan
2008-10-24 17:29:12 UTC

I've seen that message before and I recall it occurring mostly for business
reports. It also depends on the filters that you are using. I'm assuming
your company has a support contract with Microsoft and it's best to contact
their support team for more help.

Infusion Development
Post by brokerpriceopinionGuy
I've been receiving this message since 8:00 AM this morning and it is now
2:00 PM..
"Report data is being processed. Try generating your report again later."
I'm all for simple jobs running when they need to but is it customary to run
a day long job that takes 'production' reports off line during customary
business hours? Can't this kind of stuff run in the middle of the night.
Anyone else having this issue? I'm getting hammered by my CEO for some usage
reports here as we do an annual license evaluation and I'm coming up empty.